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2024 Elections Process Calendar



22 Mar 24

Determine eligibility and intention of Board Members

8 Apr 24

Appoint committee Chair


Solicit Committee members


Verify eligibility and acceptance

10 Apr 24

Request Board appointment committee members

19 Apr 24

Committee Kickoff

30 Apr 24

Request Committee review process and calendar documents

1 May 24

Share the Election Process with Board to review for errors/omissions

7 May 24

Board errors/omissions due to committee

14 May 24

Committee approves any changes, finalizes Process and Calendar

27 May 24

Committee approves web content revisions


Finalize the Nominations Form

1 Jul 24

Finalize Eligible Chapter List (confirm status with Chapter Services)

8 Jul 24

Open nominations to eligible chapters 00:01 UTC


Call for nominations


Verify nominations as received; verify the nominee's eligibility and obtain consent to serve;

verify chapter eligibility to nominate and authority of chapter representative to act on

behalf of the chapter; collect bios and statements from nominees.

5 Aug 24

Close nominations 23:59 UTC


Complete all nomination verifications


Prepare Nomination Report


Submit Report for Committee approval

12 Aug 24

Present Nominations Report to the Board

15 Aug 24

Finalize/publish ballot

22 Aug 24

Present PC town hall(s) for candidate Q&A forum

6 Sep 24

Open ballots 00:01 UTC, voting begins

31 Oct 24

Close ballots 23:59 UTC, voting ends, no more votes are accepted


Determine which nominee received the most votes and if any exceptions as specified in the

by-laws section 3.7.4


Submit Report for Committee review and certification

9 Nov 24

Present Report of Results of Election to Board

30 Nov 24

Request publishing to

1 Jan 25

Start new term


Complete the DAMA-I Statement of Understanding, Conflict of Interest Statement, and Code of Ethics