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Awards 2021

Kathy Rondon Leadership As a recognized leader and advocate for data management, Ms. Kathy Rondon has consistently made positive impacts and contributions to the data industry in the public sector for the past 30 years. Having started her career working in data governance before it developed into a notable area of practice, Kathy has been instrumental in helping data governance in the public sector develop and mature. View Full Bio
Ronald Damhof Leadership Ronald Damhof is influential in the Dutch data management community. His model, the Damhof Data Quadrant is used by the majority Dutch organisations and the interest is growing worldwide. Through his approach he created data awareness in many private and public organisations and the Dutch data management community in general. View Full Bio
Douglas Erickson Leadership Mr. Erickson has 45 years of IT experience that includes extensive data analysis and modeling, Data and Database management experience in two large corporations (Motorola, Inc. and Pacific Power and Light Co.) He served as Chairman, Information Systems Merger Transition Team for the Pacific Power & Light and Utah Power & Light merger. View Full Bio
CFIHOS Leadership CFIHOS (Capital Facilities Information Handover Specification, pronounced as “see-foos”) is an industry wide initiative led by Joint Industry Programme 36 (web site: The main goal of this initiative is to make information handover quicker, easier, and safer for operators, contractors, equipment manufacturers and suppliers by using standardized information specifications. The activities started in 2012 and recently published the latest standard in 2020, including data models, data specifications and scope and procedure of data management. View Full Bio

Awards 2020

The Government of Ontario's Central Agencies I & IT Cluster -- IA Baseline Team Leadership The creation of one space for building and connecting ideas and data allows future teams on similar business projects to leverage previous knowledge rather than starting from scratch, saving time and money. The baseline has provided significant efficiencies by implementing information models for all clusters and clients, including Ontario's Ministry of Finance, Premier's Office, Cabinet Office, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, the Treasury Board Secretariat, and the Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs. These models have improved the leverage of data management best practices across many governmental areas in Canada. View Full Bio
Nino Letteriello Leadership His inspiring leadership promotes DAMA International values and best practices which led to the formation of DAMA Italy in November 2018, for coordinating the effort for the translation of the DMBOK2 in Italian, for promoting equality and inclusivity in the Data Management profession, and for accepting to act as the first DAMA Europe, Middle East and Africa Regions Coordinator. View Full Bio

Awards 2019

Stephanie Bruno DAMA International Excellence Award Senior Data Architect lead a global warehouse to help save newborn babies with HIV using data. View Full Bio
Martha Dember DAMA International Excellence Award Thought leader in the practice of Data Governance. View Full Bio
DAMA Japan DAMA International Excellence Award Translated DAMA DMBOK into Japanese, opening data management best practices to a whole new language. View Full Bio
City of Edmonton DAMA International Excellence Award Established open data for a community to allow use for social and economic growth. View Full Bio

Awards 2018

Laura Sebastian-Coleman Professional For extraordinary effort and achievement in turning a long-awaited expectation into reality, guiding and shaping a multiplicity of voices into a cohesive and up-to-date Body of Knowledge. View Full Bio
Chen Liu Community For his strong service to the International Data Management Community. View Full Bio
Eduardo S. Jallath-Coria Government For his global leadership promoting the use of data Internationally View Full Bio

Awards 2017

Katherine O'Keefe DAMA International Professional Achievement Award   View Full Bio
Salah Kamel DAMA International Professional Achievement Award   View Full Bio
Donna Burbank DAMA International Professional Achievement Award   View Full Bio

Awards 2016

Tom Redman DAMA International Professional Achievement Award   View Full Bio
Sakari Jorma DAMA International Professional Achievement Award   View Full Bio
Chris Bradley DAMA International Professional Achievement Award   View Full Bio

Awards 2015

Anne Marie Smith Professional For leadership and contribution to education in the global data management community View Full Bio
Neil Harvey Community For outstanding achievement in mentoring in data management and your many contributions to DAMA View Full Bio
Nigel Turner Community For outstanding achievement in mentoring in data management and your many contributions to DAMA View Full Bio
Cathy Nolan Lifetime Achievement For lifelong devotion to DAMA, services to DAMA as a chapter board member and DAMA International board member for many years, and tireless efforts in managing Conference Services for DAMA International View Full Bio

Awards 2014

Karen Lopez Academic For Outstanding Service to DAMA and her Dedication to Data Management Principles View Full Bio
Susan Earley Community For Outstanding Achievement in Editing the DAMA-DMBOK and her Many Contributions to DAMA View Full Bio

Awards 2013

Daniel Moody, Ph.D. Community For contributions to DAMA Australia and DAMA International over many years View Full Bio
Daniel Paolini Government For contributions to advancing thecause of data and information management and architecture in state government View Full Bio
Mike Jennings Professional For contributions to the field of enterprise information management and architecture, data governance and general data management View Full Bio
Phillip LaPlante, Ph.D. Academic For contributions to the field of software engineering and data warehousing View Full Bio

Awards 2012

Professor Yang W Lee Academic Achievement   View Full Bio
Andres Perez Community For work as VP of Operations for DAMA International, reviving the office and streamlining the processes used  by DAMA-I View Full Bio
Steve Hoberman Professional For contributions to the field of data modeling practices and their implementation, the education of data modeling professionals and as founder of Technics Publications View Full Bio

Awards 2011

Gordon Everest Academic Achievement For contributions to the education of data management professionals, especially in data modeling and database management View Full Bio
Catherine Nolan Community For services to DAMA International and DAMA-Chicago, especially as Conference Services VP for DAMA-I View Full Bio
Malcolm Chisholm Professional For major contributions to the field of master data management theories and practices View Full Bio

Awards 2010

Alec Sharp Professional For major contributions in business process analysis and redesign, application requirements specification, and data modeling View Full Bio
Kevin Kirby Government For work with the Federal Reference Data Architecture's customization for the EPA, leadership in enterprise data management within the US EPA and as a strong member of the Federal Data Management sub-committee View Full Bio
Deborah Henderson Community For major contributions to data management education and research, leadership of DAMA-DMBOK publication and editing, work with allied university and other professional organizations to advance DAMA's educational mission View Full Bio
Elizabeth Pierce Academic For work on information and data quality and research into business value of data and information quality, mentoring in data and information quality at University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) View Full Bio

Awards 2009

Glenn Thomas Government For work as Director of IT Governance for Kentucky's Commonwealth Office of Technology and the chief strategist for the creation of the Kentucky Enterprise Data Architecture (KEDA) View Full Bio
Mark Mosley Community For writer, editor and leader of the DAMA DMBOK initiative (editor of the DAMA Dictionary and DAMA-DMBOK edition 1) View Full Bio
Eva Smith Academic For work on the DAMA Education Committee, the DAMA-DMBOK Body of Knowledge and the courses developed using data management principles View Full Bio
Jaylene McCandlish Professional For work as Director of Information Governance & Stewardship (IG'S) and leadership in advancing the principles of Enterprise Information Management within HCSC View Full Bio

Awards 2008

John Talburt, Ph.D. Academic For work in data and information quality, and formation of the Data and Information Quality program at University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) View Full Bio
N. Michael Scofield Community For work as a writer, presenter, consultant and DAMA chapter board member View Full Bio
David Marco Professional For advancing the cause of data management, especially through in metadata management and enterprise information management View Full Bio
Suzanne Acar Government For work as Co-chair, Federal Data Architecture Subcommittee (DAS)  and with the Office of the Secretary (OCIO), including development of the Federal Reference Data Architecture View Full Bio

Awards 2007

Dr. Herbert E. Longenecker, Jr. Academic For Outstanding Research Contributions in the area of IRM/DRM and teaching of data and information management View Full Bio
Jack Olson Community For pioneering work in relational database management software and database architecture development View Full Bio
Bob Seiner Professional For work in data governance and publisher of The Data Administration Newsletter ( View Full Bio

Awards 2006

Len Silverston Community For work with DAMA and chapters around the world to develop understanding of human factors in data management, and years of service as a DAMA advisor View Full Bio
Gordon Everest Academic   View Full Bio
Pat Cupoli Professional For contributions as an editor of the DAMA-DMBOK, formation of the CDMP and DAMA Education VP, contributions to the field of data management as a data architect and data administrator View Full Bio
Michael Brackett Lifetime Achievement For many years of service to DAMA, author of many books on data resource management, former president of DAMA International, founding president of DAMA Foundation View Full Bio

Awards 2005

Dr. Richard Wang Academic DAMA International Lifetime Achievement Award for his lifetime as a significant leader and pioneer in the research and practice of Chief Data Officer(CDO). View Full Bio
Dr. Peter Aiken Community For service to DAMA as VP of Communications and as a main ambassador for DAMA world-wide View Full Bio
Judith Newton Government For work as a leader in the data management division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, service on the Federal Data Architecture committee for data standards View Full Bio
Dr. Claudia Imhoff Professional For leadership in the field of business intelligence and developer of the Corporate Information Factory data warehouse / BI architecture View Full Bio

Awards 2004

Dr. Richard L. Nolan Academic   View Full Bio
Larry Dziedzic Community For service to DAMA as DAMA-I president and former president of DAMA-NJ View Full Bio
Dr. John D. Graham Government   View Full Bio
Len Silverston Professional For contributions to the field of data management through the development and implementation of universal data models, and the development of human factors in data management View Full Bio

Awards 2003

Brett Champlin, CCP Community For contributions to DAMA education through development of the CDMP program View Full Bio
Dr. Terry Halpin Academic For academic and practitioner contributions to the field of data and information management, including his research focuses on conceptual modeling and conceptual query technology View Full Bio
Graeme Simsion Professional For major contributions to the field of data management through his work as one of the world's premier enterprise data modeling practitioners, including as the author of several leading books on data modeling, and as a speaker and consultant View Full Bio

Awards 2002

Davida Berger Community For service as DAMA Conference Services VP and promoter of data management events View Full Bio
William (Bill) Inmon Professional For major contributions as the "father of data warehousing and a recognized thought leader in decision support View Full Bio
John Zachman Lifetime Achievement For major contributions to information technology and to data / information management, including being the originator of the “Framework for Enterprise Architecture” (The Zachman Framework™), developing IBM’s Information Strategy methodology (Bu View Full Bio

Awards 2001

Dr. Peter Aiken Academic For contributions to the field of data management education as an educator and speaker on many topics in the EDM discipline View Full Bio
Dr. E. F. Codd Professional For contributions to the field of data and information management as the creator of relational theory and model for database management View Full Bio

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