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Nominations Opening Soon for President's Council Chair 2025-2027

Nominations Opening Soon for President's Council Chair 2025-2027

The DAMA Presidents' Council has had incredible growth in the past two years and with that growth also came changes as we become a more global organization that needs to adhere to security regulations worldwide.  The goals of this past two years were to

1.   Continue to grow chapters worldwide

2.   Continue to share and collaborate amongst chapters

3.   Strengthen DAMA by bringing areas of concern & opportunity to DAMA I.


We accomplished the goal of growing as we have added 11 new chapters from across the globe.  And several more on the brink of affiliating.


We had wonderful presentations especially in 2023 and beginning of 2024, by assorted chapters sharing their successes and how they accomplished them with other chapters.


We experienced the complex, but important work of a re-affiliation refresh from DAMA I and through several conversations and iterations arrived at a place where over 90% of chapters could feel comfortable signing. Through this process we learned more about the chapters and what challenges they are facing.


Additional successes were a better presentation and awareness of the many benefits of being an actively involved Chapter Member

  • Discounts to DAMA Sponsored events like EDW, DGIQ

  • Pay if you Pass exams available at the chapter level

  • Discounts on DMBOK and other published materials

  • Brochures that can be customized for your DAMA events

  • Translation of DMBOK in even more languages than before

  • Free individual membership for three officers of each chapter

  • And much more

As we are ½ way through this year we are following on after our successful new chapter guide, with a guide to help chapters hold events.  This effort is being spearheaded by our current PC Vice Chair Ellen Brown.  It will be a composite work covering many types of events and a collection of ideas on how to be successful.


While I cannot boast of great internal process, such as my predecessor Marilu Lopez,  we did manage to accomplish much within our goals.  Working in partnership with Marilu and the DAMA I admin team, we have cleaned up much of the data for contacting officers, we also had two successful Chapter Awards events which brought back to the chapters value such as free CDMP exams, Free DMBOKS, or other equivalent to $1000 US.


We are in the middle of implementing a reimbursement program back to chapters as their members take and pass their CDMP.


But now it is time for another person who has passion about Data Management and Chapters in particular; to step forward and take over.


We look forward to the fresh perspective of another person who wants to make good things happen for the Chapters of DAMA International.


Watch for more information here.


With Kindest regards, Dawn Michels PC Chair 2023-24