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  • Emily Persson posted an article
    CDMP PAY IF YOU PASS EXAM in Prague, CZ - September 30, 2024 see more

    All DAMA Chapter members are invited to attend a FREE DAMA DAY on September 30, 2024, at the Marriott Prague hotel.  Included is a session named “What Is The CDMP?”  This informative presentation will explain the Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP} designation; the reasons you should be certified; and give helpful tips on how to take the exam.  Also included is a CDMP Pay-If-You-Pass exam for interested participants which will be given as part of the event.  Those who take the exam will only be charged if they pass.  More information on CDMP, including Frequently Asked Questions, is available on the DAMA website under GET CERTIFIED.


    All attendees will receive coffee breaks, lunch, and be able to network with the DAMA International Board and other DAMA chapter members.  Well-known speakers will present a variety of topics designed to appeal to both those wanting to make Data Management a career, and practicing DM professionals.


    Registration information will be posted the first week of June. Mark your calendars for this exciting event and join your International Board and fellow members at DAMA DAY – PRAGUE.